"It's a pleasure to share my experience with Talent Center recruiting, a team with strong capabilities and organizational
culture. Andreea was a professional HR headhunter to work with and the outcome of our collaboration was an employment
contract in an international organization, based on my professional expertise and values, making the recruiting process straightforward and effective."
I highly recommend Talent Center to any professional looking for their next opportunity."
Talent Center Candidate
"Colaborarea cu echipa Talent Center in perioada 2017 si pana in prezent ne-a ajutat sa ne extindem echipa si
sa ne gasim colegii potriviti in roluri cheie, acolo unde piata fortei de munca ne-a creat dificultati. "
"Am apreciat in mod deosebit calitatea comunicarii, flexibilitatea echipei, viteza de raspuns si capacitatea de
a se adapta la nevoile si particularitatile culturii noastre. Avem incredere in sprijinul echipei de recrutare
si recomandam cu incredere colaborarea in zona de recrutare."
Andreea Lungu - Directia Resurse Umane - Apa Nova Bucuresti S.A.
“Moving to a new place, starting a new life, a new project, with a new team, with new goals is exciting, inspiring, ambitious.
Yet it is also highly challenging. Speaking from the heart, the success of a newborn project could have never be as successful as
it is today, if I wouldn't met and get to know Alexandra Badea - the person and the professional. A master in recruiting industry,
the is always there for her client. She meets our project's expectations at all times.
A very knowledgeable, open-minded, intelligent, amazingly skilled and work addicted in the good sense of this meaning, Alexandra
was and still is one of the key persons being there for me throughout the buil-up of a brand new team in the relocation industry.
She is up to date with market's trends, demands and resources. She delivers exactly that type of candidates I am looking for. Grace to
Alexandra, I enjoy the evolvement of our project within a multinational team on the Romanian market.
Our current and future recruiting services requests will be addressed exclusively to Alexandra, to the Talent Centre. I am highly grateful
and impressed both as a client and as a human being."
Silvia Ciubotaru - Global Competence Center Manager
“Ca Director al FLEXITECH ROMANIA apreciez in mod deosebit colaborarea cu Alexandra Badea si implicit TALENT CENTER.
Am ales TALENT CENTER ca furnizor de servicii de recrutare datorita calitatii serviciilor prestate si a eficientei procesului de recrutare-selectie.
Consider ca este esential ca furnizorul de astfel de servicii sa inteleaga nevoile si asteptarile oricarui client insa nu in ultimul rand
cultura organizationala.Alegerea celor mai bune optiuni si solutii pentru solicitarile firmei Flexitech Ro a fost si este esential si
face diferenta in alegerea colaboratorilor.
Talent Center a recrutat cu succes pentru compania noastra pozitii de top in divese departamente: calitate, logisitica, resurse umane.
In concluzie, recomand compania TALENT CENTER, ca fiind un colaborator profesionist si de incredere pentru orice companie cu care va
relationa si apreciez serviciile sale de calitate, flexibilitatea solutiilor oferite, care o diferentiaza intr-un mod favorabil de competitorii sai."
Corina Petcu - HR Manager - FLEXITECH Romania
“Am apelat la serviciile echipei Talent Center intr-un moment in care compania noastra era in plin proces de expansiune si dezvoltare.
Aveam nevoie de un partener de incredere, pentru servicii de recrutare atat in Bucuresti cat si in tara, astfel incat noi sa ne putem
baza pe selectia resursei umane pusa la dispozitie de ei.
Am apreciat promptitudinea cu care au raspuns tuturor solicitarilor noastre, intelegerea si adaptarea rapida la cerintelor noastre si
metodele lor profesioniste si riguroase de lucru.
Recomandam cu toata deschiderea echipa Talent Center pentru competentele lor si dedicatia la fiecare proiect."
Ramona Bostan - Operations Manager - Reynaers Aluminium Romania
“De aproximativ 2 ani, Talent Center ne ajută să ne dezvoltăm echipa prin recrutarea unor angajați capabili.
În tot acest timp, ne-au răspuns cu promptitudine și eficiență la toate solicitările, oferindu-ne cele mai adecvate
soluții la nevoile noastre. Suntem încântați de serviciile oferite şi recomandăm cu încredere orice formă de colaborare cu ei."
Marin Vidrascu - Director Executiv - Editura Litera